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I said I wanted a GIN school, not a GYM school!

June 03, 2018

I said I wanted a GIN school, not a GYM school!

Since we started this crazy venture, there have been plenty of thrills, tense waits and moments of elation. There have also been points where I’ve wondered what on earth goes on in Simon’s head. One of these special moments occurred this week when I arrived at our new premises in Hepworth’s Arcade to find it kitted out like a school gymnasium - see photo above. Now, anyone who knew me as a sports/PE-hating child will understand the dismay, fear and horror that filled me when I laid eyes on a wooden contraption resembling school gym lesson ‘apparatus’ set up in the shop.  Athletic I was not, and still am not. Fearing that Simon was continuing with his Olympic athlete theme, I scanned the rest of the room quickly for signs of vaulting horses, springboards and stretchy blue gym knickers, but luckily found nothing. “It’s my gran’s ladders - so you can reach the ceilings when you’re painting!” Simon told me, with his usual glee. “You’ll be fine on it - I’ve only fallen off a couple of times.” Two weeks with no days off had clearly taken its toll on him. 

And after a week there myself - mainly spent carrying heavy items up and down the stairs - I can understand this. The never-ending dust cloud alone must have some effect on the brain, not to mention our respiratory systems. Everything, including us, is constantly covered in a fine layer of powder.  And don’t get me started on paint. On Saturday night, we went on a Ghost Walk in Hull’s Old Town, with local historian and ghost hunter, Mike Covell (if you have the chance, join one of his tours - they’re excellent). I was amazed not to be mistaken for a ghost myself, covered, as I was, with a fine speckling of white emulsion, and with some very fetching brilliant white gloss highlights in my hair. Mike told us some great stories about the history of Hull, including a tale about the phantom bottom slapper of Hepworth’s Arcade. We’ll be watching out for that one.

Anyway, plenty of progress has been made already down at Hotham’s HQ since we gained the last of our licences and signed the lease, and we wouldn’t have managed this without the help of our fantastic friends and family - a huge thank you to you all.  It’s also been great to meet so many of our newsletter subscribers and social media followers - either at Hepworth’s or at the markets we’ve recently sold at. You’ve all been so positive about our plans for Gin School and our gin, and it’s great to know that our own excitement about finally getting Gin School up and running is matched by yours.  We’ll keep you posted about our progress on our social media, as usual.

Right. I think I’ve had enough time slacking off with this writing business when there’s painting of landings, bathrooms and 14 feet-high ceilings to be done. I’m either going to develop Tour de France-worthy calf muscles or my knees are going to give up the ghost, the number of times I’ve climbed these stairs this week (apparently, they’re not steep, but deep). “Just think of the money you’re saving on gym membership!” Simon tells me. “And don’t come up empty handed.” I won't be empty handed - the fact is, after Mike’s story, I dare not go upstairs without my hands covering my posterior.



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